Working Group on the Use of UAS for Bio/Chem Dissemination
Recent technological advancements are making UASs easily accessible, inexpensive to buy, simple to operate, and capable of deploying increasingly large payloads for a multitude of purposes. UASs can function as weapon delivery platforms and for the dissemination of weaponized biological or chemical materials. Although limited tactical countermeasures exist to address the threat, a more strategic approach is needed to prevent terrorist acquisition of UASs. The Thin Blue Line is convening Working Groups to consider the developing threat posed by the proliferation of UAS technology in regions where terrorist activity is prevalent, and to work collaboratively to define the scope of the problem, including the volume of sales, import and export, and the threat profile.

Enhancing the Use of Less-Lethal Weapons
Less-lethal weapons are often used by law enforcement as an alternative to firearms to minimize harm to suspects and the public.
Although the risk is reduced, use of less-lethal weapons may kill or inflict serious injury when they are not used in accordance with specifications, or or are used contrary to general principles on the use of force and fundamental human rights.
Resolution 25/38 of the UN Human Rights Council encouraged states to make ‘non-lethal weapons available to their officials exercising law enforcement duties, while pursuing international efforts to regulate and establish protocols for the training and use of non-lethal weapons’. In 2018, the UN Human Rights Council further encouraged the establishment of protocols ‘for the training and use of non-lethal weapons, bearing in mind that even less-lethal weapons can result in risk to life’.
The Thin Blue Line is participating in the international expert group convened by the Geneva Academy and the Institute of International and Comparative Law in Africa (University of Pretoria), the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, representatives from law enforcement agencies around the world, academic experts and members of civil society to develop a set of guidelines on the lawful and responsible design, production, procurement, testing, training, transfer and use of LLW's. This document will builds on the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.

Countering the Threat of Chemical Terrorism
The world is witnessing a resurgence in the indiscriminate use of dangerous chemicals as weapons. These attacks are being conducted by both state and non-state actors, and they kill, maim, and injure indiscriminately and terrorize local communities.
Although often first responders into these dangerous and confronting scenes, law enforcement agencies are often poorly-trained and ill-equipped for the demands of their role.
The Thin Blue Line is committed to strengthening the capacity of law enforcement agencies and their partners to prevent, prepare for and respond effectively to the use of dangerous chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals.

Countermeasures and Prevention
Emerging new diseases or intentional biological releases have the potential to perpetuate globally while causing crises locally.
Police play a crucial role in the immediate response to a biological incident. Their swift and effective action in managing the movement of people, assisting with quarantine, and partnering with public health services can save countless lives in an emergency situation.
The Thin Blue Line assists police in training and equipping for biological incidents, and promotes the critical partnerships between police, public health, and the scientific community that will come into play in these situations.

The Thin Blue Line supports Law Enforcement agencies and their partners in preparation, prevention, response and recovery training for both man-made and natural disasters and emergencies.

Enforcing Sanctions to Promote Security
The Thin Blue Line works with Law Enforcement as well as banks and the private sector to increase understanding of international sanctions.
Sanctions compliance helps create global security -- but effective sanctions require banks, businesses, and law enforcement to understand their role as well as the reasoning behind sanctions efforts.

Inter-agency and International Preparedness
We work with partner agencies to offer training and strategic recommendations that will improve maritime border security against conventional and WMD weapons trafficking.

Sharing Best Practice
We incorporate the expertise and experience of military counterparts and bring this to bear on security challenges faced by Police in protecting their communities.

United Against the IED Threat
Defeating the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) threat is a high priority for law enforcement and yet the fight against the threat of terrorism is owned neither by government, law enforcement, nor military, but exists as a complimentary and cooperative effort.
Only a coordinated global approach to defeat this growing threat can be successful, and the Thin Blue Line supports the CIED Global Alliance as an international coalition of willing partners, working in partnership to reduce the international threat of IEDs and save lives.

Connecting police with other solution-based organizations to catalyze change.
The Thin Blue Line serves as a bridge between the police to others with shared purposes - including industry, civil society, academia, and local organizations. We believe that all levels of police (local, regional, and national) have roles to fill in solving complex and emerging security challenges.

Complicated security problems require thoughtful solutions.
The Thin Blue Line operates a Think Tank in Geneva, bringing together police and stakeholders from around the world in a structured environment to exchange experiences, share lessons learned, and together determine new strategies to defeat emerging threats.

Maintaining Order and Protecting People
The Thin Blue Line supports law enforcement in upholding the rule of law, whilst at all times promoting and respecting the standards contained within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The relationships between many human rights advocates, NGOs, and the police can be characterised by animosity rather than trust. Police are in a unique position to positively impact people at the individual and community level -- and working with them ensures that this impact is as positive as possible. The Thin Blue Line is focused on bringing out the best in police -- strengthening efforts to keep their communities safe, reduce fear, and improve the overall quality of life of their citizens by developing response and investigation capacity as well as partnership prevention and preparedness initiatives.

Providing Equipment and Training
We believe that those that volunteer to protect others deserve to be properly equipped to do the tough jobs they face. Community safety depends on it. We work to secure the necessary funds to equip and train our policing partners to meet these challenges.